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Anil Kumar

Anil Kumar

CEO of S.A. Info Technology

Anil Kumar is the CEO/CTO of S.A. Info Technology Pvt. Ltd, an IT solutions....Read More

I believe in

A dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work.
Awele Ndili

Dr.Awele Ndili

CEO and President of Ndili Technologies

Dr. Ndili is the founder and CEO of Ndili Technologies, a Wireless technology company with a wide array of clients in US and Japan.....Read More

I believe in

Work until your Idols become Rivals.
Vijay Kumar

Dr.K.Vijay Kumar

Managing Director of S.A.I Hospitals

Dr Vijay Kumar is an Orthopedic Surgeon in S.A.I Hospitals.....Read More

I believe in

C.E.O: Anil Kumar

Anil Kumar is the CEO/CTO of S.A. Info Technology Pvt. Ltd, an IT solutions and services company. He is a post graduate in Masters in Computer applications and holds a bachelors degree from University of Dharwad, Karnataka. He is having more than 15 years of experience in Healthcare, Banking, architecture, analysis and development. He always strives for the best and futuristic architecture to develop robust and viable solutions. He is an expert in designing and developing solutions based on Java, android and .Net.

Worked as Director - Engineering in MShift Inc, California for about 12 years in the Mobile Banking domain. He managed teams responsible for Design, Engineering, QA and Support. Played a key role in helping the clients understand the feature rich product and technological edge in improving adoption and ultimately resulting in growing business from 7 customers to 200 customers. He had a great opportunity to work with 200+ Banks/Credit Unions in USA in deploying the mobile applications. He introduced the hybrid model app development in the MShift Inc, which helped reduce significant percentage of the development time, cost and increases the efficiency of iPhone/Android Apps. He has in-depth experience in developing most secured applications for financial institutions. Designed and developed Multi Factor Authentication(MFA) product for Mobile/Online Banking. Many credit unions have adopted this product and vouch for the robust nature of the product.

Prior to MShift Inc, he worked as a Senior Software Engineer in Octasoft Inc, Mountain view, California. Played a key role in Architecture and Development of financial product, which facilitates the corporates to communicate with their banks securely. Prior to Octasoft, he worked for about 3 years as a Software Engineer with Liberty Information Tech, Chennai. He developed products for Finance, Education and Automotive industries.

Anil likes to build world class teams and believes in team work and open communication. He had experience building off-shore teams for international projects and have experience in following the best practices of global teams.He is married with two kids and lives in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh. He is a district level volleyball and shuttle badminton. He enjoys playing golf.

Advisory Board: Dr.Awele Ndili

Dr. Ndili is the founder and CEO of Ndili Technologies, a Wireless technology company with a wide array of clients in US and Japan. MShift is Mobile Banking Solutions enable financial institutions to extend the convenience and reach of Online Banking to cell phones, PDAs, RIM, Pocket PCs, and pagers.

Prior to MShift, Dr. Ndili also was a member of the founding team for ImproveNet Inc., a Redwood City-based public company, and was responsible for the design of its core Internet technology. ImproveNet, a highly scalable database-intensive home improvement site, has facilitated over $1 Billion of contracts since inception.

Dr. Ndili was also the lead Project Manager for the Global Positioning System on board Stanford University's Gravity Probe B space satellite, launched by NASA on April 20, 2004 from Vanderberg Air Force Base.Awele received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (First Class Honors) from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in Engineering also from Stanford. Awele is a licensed private pilot, outdoor enthusiast, and an avid blue-water sailor.

Advisory Board: Dr.K.Vijay Kumar

Dr.K.Vijay Kumar is an Orthopedic Surgeon in S.A.I Hospitals. SAI Hospitals provides care in Internal Medicine, Neurology, Nuro Surgery, Urology, Nephrology, General Surgary, Trauma and Joint Replacement surgary. SAI Hospitals has a unique orthopedic unit focused on delivering superior care to patient undergoing total knee or hip replacement and arthroscopy.

For the last four years we have conducted around 2500 major surgical procedures which included around 100 joints replacements and various emergency and elective procedures of orthopaedics, plastic surgery and neurosurgery. We provided highest stander of trauma management by means of inter locking nailings, Ulazirov fixators and flap covers.

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